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UV Risk Assessment

UV Risk Assessment of ultraviolet light exposure

Avoidable ill health from over exposure to UV light in the workplace often occurs due to misinformation or misunderstanding.

Workers exposed to UV light must not exceed Statutory Exposure Limits and be provided with specific information and training.

Employers must be able to make a clear and unambiguous statement that Exposure Limits are observed or exceeded.

Our UV measurement and UV risk assessment services will determine workers level of exposure and compare with Exposure Limits as a means of assessing risk and necessary controls

Helps companies protect workers and ensure compliance with their legal obligations under the Control of Artificial Optical Radiation at Work Regulations 2010.

UV Safety in the Workplace Webinar

This interactive webinar runs through the key considerations for assessment and control of UV light exposure at work in accordance with statutory regulations. By the end of it you should know what actions need to be taken by your organisation to ensure safe use and compliance with your legal obligations.

UV measurements & UV Risk Assessment

To determine Maximum Exposure Times at working positions for comparison with Actual Exposure Times to assess compliance with Exposure Limits.

Usually comprises of one day on site to:

  • Assess suitability of UV light source for process
  • Assess who could be harmed
  • Assess compliance with Exposure Limit(s) by comparing maximum vs actual exposure times
  • Assess control measures to ensure compliance with ALARP exposure
  • Set review date

Includes comprehensive report.

Validation of UV Measurements & Review of Control Measures

Annual review to consider any reported incidents and whether existing control measures are still adequate or more needs to be done to further reduce exposure.

Usually comprises of half day on site to consider:

  • Changes to UV light source(s)
  • Changes to UV light process(es)
  • Changes to working practices
  • Occurrence of an adverse incident

Includes updated comprehensive report.