UV Consultancy Services
On-site UV light risk assessment
To help you meet your obligations under The Control of Artificial Optical Radiation at Work Regulations 2010 and to ensure the safe use of UV light within your organisation.
A typical UV light measurement and assessment survey includes:
- Measurement of UV light spectral output.
- Measurement of UV light effective irradiance (Eeff) in the spectral region 180 nm – 400 nm at appropriate distances from the UV light source(s), depending on any persons closest proximity and calculation of maximum permissible exposure times for the unprotected skin and eyes.
- Measurement of UV-A light irradiance (EUV-A) in the spectral region 315 nm – 400 nm at appropriate distances from the UV light source(s), depending on any persons closest proximity and calculation of maximum permissible exposure times for the unprotected eyes.
- Data collection on personal UV light exposure time for all relevant persons.
- Observation and recording of all current control measures, including pre-operational checks, safe working practices and hazard awareness training.
- The calculated maximum UV light exposure times were compared with actual personal exposure time, and combined with current control measures enabled determination of compliance or non-compliance with The Control of Artificial Optical Radiation at Work Regulations 2010.
- Recommendations for additional control measures where necessary.
UV light source evaluation
Determination of maximum permissible UV light personal exposure times for unprotected skin and eyes at specified distances from the source with recommendations for control measures. A typical UV light source measurement and assessment includes:
- UV light spectral and irradiance measurements.
- Classification in accordance with BS EN 62471 : 2008.
- Determination of maximum permissible UV light personal exposure times for unprotected skin and eyes at specified distances from the source.
- Control measure recommendations.
- Comprehensive report.
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UV transmission testing
Measurement of UV light spectral and irradiance transmission (%) through materials. Typical applications include:
- Checking UV protection of clothing, spectacles, face shields, guarding materials and window films.
- Determination of UV transmission through materials where required as part of your process.
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Trials and evaluation
For some applications, trials are required to evaluate suitability for your particular process to determine what results can be achieved.
We work with customers across all industries and where required carry out suitability trials and have a range of UV light equipment that can be used for evaluation.
Examples of UV Consultancy trials include:
- Check whether or not oil, grease or fluids fluoresce naturally under UV blacklight
- Determination of UV dosage required to achieve a particular reduction of bacteria, moulds or viruses
- Check speed and quality of UV curing processes